Friday, June 8, 2012

Coffee Sleeve Advertising

The coffee sleeve, also known as a java jacket are designed to protect the consumer's hand from the heat of the beverage by creating space for heat to escape.  Made from 100% recycled paper they are the customer's preferred receptacle for hot drinks. Double cupping is expensive and not as effective as using a cup with a coffee sleeve.

Using the coffee sleeve as an advertising medium has been around for years and allows you to connect with your customer.  One company is taking this a step further.  Tim Horton's in The United Arab Emirates recognized that drinking coffee and reading the newspaper go hand in hand joined forces with Gulf News to create a new advertising medium.

The result is hourly headline news printed on each sleeve using Gulf News Twitter account.  Accordingly, every cup sold in the UAE now bears the newspaper’s current top headline on the coffee sleeve it comes with, with updates made every hour. Also included on the sleeve are a short URL and QR code directing customers to the Gulf News website for the full story. The video below explains the campaign in further detail:

The result?  Nearly 3000 new Gulf News Twitter followers signed up for the campaign, and traffic grew on the Gulf News website by 41%!  Certainly something to think about.

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